Hanukai menóra Hanukkah lamp
Hanukai menóra
Hanukkah lamp
Hanukkah lamp
A nagyon egyszerű, lengyel hanukai menóra igazi "recycling" tárgy: perforált hátlemeze rézboletták gyártási maradéka, melyre utólagosan illesztettek egy feltehetően más tárgyról átkerült Napoleón-büsztöt. Napóleon alakjában a lengyel zsidók a felszabadítót, jogi helyzetük rendezőjét látták, ezért kerülhetett alakja a szertartási tárgyra.
This very simple Polish Hanukkah menorah is a genuine recycling object. Its perforated back plate is the residue of grain tokens made of brass, on which the bust of Napoleon was retrofitted from a presumably different object. The Polish Jews saw their political and legal liberator in the figure of Napoleon, and for this reason his figure could appear on this ceremonial object.
This very simple Polish Hanukkah menorah is a genuine recycling object. Its perforated back plate is the residue of grain tokens made of brass, on which the bust of Napoleon was retrofitted from a presumably different object. The Polish Jews saw their political and legal liberator in the figure of Napoleon, and for this reason his figure could appear on this ceremonial object.
Vásárlás, 1910. Eredeti leltári száma: 129
A Magyar-Zsidó Múzeum katalógusa. Budapest, Franklin Társulat nyomdája, 1916. A/III/b/26
Benoschofsky Ilona, Scheiber Sándor: A Budapesti Zsidó Múzeum. Budapest: Corvina, 1985. 105. tétel
Benoschofsky Ilona, Scheiber Sándor: A Budapesti Zsidó Múzeum. Budapest: Corvina, 1985. 105. tétel
Sárgaréz, öntött, perforált újrafelhasznált lemezzel. Lába későbbi, fa.
Brass, cast, perforated recycled plate; legs were added later, made of wood.
Brass, cast, perforated recycled plate; legs were added later, made of wood.
Physical Dimensions
Hossza: 26 cm
Exhibition history
Tamid: [mindig, ismétlődően visszatérően, állandóan] (2017-állandó)
“Hanukai menóra Hanukkah lamp,” MILEV, accessed February 23, 2025, https://collections.milev.hu/items/show/29738.