Jakobovits Fülöp portréja
Jakobovits Fülöp portréja
Jakobovits Fülöp pesti orvos, az 1805–ben alapított Zsidókórház főorvosa egyike volt azoknak, akik a formálódó pesti közösség szellemi arculatát meghatározták. 1839–ben az ő kezdeményezte, hogy a zsidó közösség petícióval járuljon a magyar országgyűlés elé. Mozgalmának eredményeként az 1840–ben összzeülő országgyűlésen már felmerült a zsidók polgárosítására vonatkozó javaslat, igaz, ekkor még kevesen támogatták. Ugyanez az országgyűlés viszont elfogadta azt a nagy jelentőségű törvényt, aminek nyomán zsidók is bírhattak ingatlantulajdont – utat nyitva ezzel a modern polgári életben való még aktívabb részvételnek. Jakobovits részt vett a zsidó földművesek és iparosok képzésére és támogatására létrehozott egylet (Magyar Izraelita Kézmű és Földművelési Egyesület) létrehozásában, majd nyolc éven keresztül az elnöki tisztét is betöltötte. Az egyesület, – melyet Kossuth Lajos is támogatott ! – fontos szerepet játszott a zsidó közösség polgárosításában és a magyar nyelv elterjesztésében. Jakobovits Fülöp portréja jellegzetes asszimilált portré: viselete a korszak elegáns férfiviselete fehér mellénnyel és szalonkabáttal. A hagyományos zsidó viseletben elképzelhetetlen fekete csokornyakkendőt visel, ugyanakkor fejfedő nélkül. Jakobovits a Király utca elején, az egyik városi patikát is befogadó Gömöry házban (Király utca 12.) élt, egyebek mellett Brill Sámuel Löw pesti rabbi szomszédságában. (Magyar Zsidó Múzeum, 64.1822)
Fülöp Jakobovics worked as a physician in the royal free city of Pest, and was the leader of the Jewish Hospital founded in 1805. He had an important role in forming the new cultural and intellectual image of the Jews in Pest. He was the one who initiated for the first time, that the Jews should subscribe a petition requiring the emancipation from the Hungarian Parliament. His campaign was somehow successful, because during the parliament session of 1840 the motion was discussed. On the other hand it was supported only by a couple of deputies, and was finally not carried. It is worth to note, that in the very same year the parliament proclaimed a remarkable law which allowed the Jews to be owners of immovable estates. This opened a new door, they could be more active to maintain a main role in the world of capitalists and bourgeoisie. Jakobovics was also a founder of the Hungarian Isrealite Craftsmen and Agricultural Association, and its chairman for 8 years. The Association (which was supported by Lajos Kossuth as well) was also responsible to fulfil the ambition of emancipation and the propagation of Hungarian language among the Jewish community. The portrait of Fülöp Jakobovics is a typical picture of an assimilated man: he wears an elegant male suit with a vest according to the fashion of his years. He also has a bow-tie, an atypical piece of clothing in Jewish tradition, while nothing covers his head. He was living in the Gömöry-house (the ground floor functioned as a pharmacy) in the beginning of Király street, he was the neighbour of Sámuel Löw Brill, one of the rabbis of Pest. (Hungarian Jewish Museum, 64.1822)
Fülöp Jakobovics worked as a physician in the royal free city of Pest, and was the leader of the Jewish Hospital founded in 1805. He had an important role in forming the new cultural and intellectual image of the Jews in Pest. He was the one who initiated for the first time, that the Jews should subscribe a petition requiring the emancipation from the Hungarian Parliament. His campaign was somehow successful, because during the parliament session of 1840 the motion was discussed. On the other hand it was supported only by a couple of deputies, and was finally not carried. It is worth to note, that in the very same year the parliament proclaimed a remarkable law which allowed the Jews to be owners of immovable estates. This opened a new door, they could be more active to maintain a main role in the world of capitalists and bourgeoisie. Jakobovics was also a founder of the Hungarian Isrealite Craftsmen and Agricultural Association, and its chairman for 8 years. The Association (which was supported by Lajos Kossuth as well) was also responsible to fulfil the ambition of emancipation and the propagation of Hungarian language among the Jewish community. The portrait of Fülöp Jakobovics is a typical picture of an assimilated man: he wears an elegant male suit with a vest according to the fashion of his years. He also has a bow-tie, an atypical piece of clothing in Jewish tradition, while nothing covers his head. He was living in the Gömöry-house (the ground floor functioned as a pharmacy) in the beginning of Király street, he was the neighbour of Sámuel Löw Brill, one of the rabbis of Pest. (Hungarian Jewish Museum, 64.1822)
MIKÉFE tulajdonából
Original Format
olaj, vászon
Physical Dimensions
68 x 55 cm
Országos Magyar Zsidó Múzeum Emancipációs Kiállításának Katalógusa. (1938) 9. oldal
Exhibition history
Emancipációs kiállítás (1938)
Itt lakott Rosenthal (Goldmark terem 2010-2020)
“Jakobovits Fülöp portréja,” MILEV, accessed March 12, 2025, https://collections.milev.hu/items/show/29463.